UN ACCIDENTE NO SIEMPRE ES UN ACCIDENTE... Conducir alcoholizado...NO ES UN ACCIDENTE...Violar la prioridad de paso peatonal...NO ES UN ACCIDENTE...Superar la velocidad permitida... NO ES UN ACCIDENTE...Violar la luz roja.... NO ES UN ACCIDENTE...Burlar las leyes de tránsito...NO ES UN ACCIDENTE...Un accidente CASI NUNCA es un accidente...

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Nuestra Asociación tiene como objetivo realizar acciones con prácticas sustentables que reduzcan la inseguridad vial y las violencias conexas a ella. Queremos motivar la toma de conciencia ciudadana e impulsar una agenda de prioridades en los órganos de decisión pública.

7 points for the Decade of Action for Road Safety

ACTIVVAS submits its seven-point proposal for the Decade of Action for Road Safety. It proposes measures at inter-American level that will help to achieve one of the goals set out by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution A/RES/64/255 of 10 May 2010, which is to "stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world..." 

(1) Secure the participation of various public bodies so that road safety is universally considered a matter of public health.

Our societies have seen an exponential increase in alcohol consumption among young people. There is, however, a lack of comprehensive health plans that warn against the excessive consumption of alcohol.

(2) Urge public bodies to coordinate road safety policies with due regard for social equity.

In our societies, the most vulnerable persons on public roads frequently belong to disadvantaged, low-income groups. Such persons are over-represented among pedestrians hit by cars, buses and trucks. As victims, however, they have scant influence over political decisions and little or no access to the media to make their voices heard. They are often unable, in particular, to bring their cases before courts of law.

(3) Incorporate gender equality into public road safety programmes

In our societies, street and road use in general reflects not only a marked social difference, but also gender inequality. Women have a different relationship to roads, given that they much more frequently circulate on foot with children or elderly persons who depend on them for their safety.

(4) Secure the effective participation of national judicial systems under the slogan: WITHOUT JUSTICE THERE CAN BE NO SUSTAINABLE PREVENTION OF DEATH ON THE ROADS.

It is important to link the high rates of road violence in our societies to the absence of controls and of severe and inescapable judicial penalties.

(5) Achieve concrete, productive coordination in following up all road safety measures taken in various spheres (Ministries of the Interior, Justice, Health, Public Works, etc.)

In our societies, non-communication and a lack of administrative and political coordination impair the effectiveness and credibility of the efforts undertaken.

It is it accordingly necessary to ensure the participation of the various responsible ministries, including those of the Interior, Justice, Health and Public Works, with a view to strengthening the links between road safety and technological development.

(6) Secure the clear and unambiguous participation of the public authorities in the dissemination of an appropriate and expressive message concerning the scourge of road violence.

Highlight the slogan: Road safety is no accident. Eliminate the word "accident", widely used in our societies, and replace it by "Road or traffic homicides, collisions, crashes and death by road vehicles".

(7) Urge public bodies to promote and updated human rights agendas that would include road safety.

It is imperative to draw the attention of all segments of society to the unique and irreplaceable value of the human lives that are lost through road violence, a scourge that has become a global pandemic.

The scale of the problem calls for firm measures that guarantee respect for the right to road safety as a fundamental human right.